Journal Articles

18. Crowd-shipping for Urban Food Rescue Logistics
[Mittal, Anuj, Oran-Gibson, Nilufer, Krejci, CarolineC., Marusak, AmyA.]. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management.

17. Resilient Regional Food Supply Chains and Rethinking the Way Forward: Key Takeaways from the COVID-19 Pandemic
[Marusak, Amy, Sadeghiamirshahidi, Narjes, Krejci, Caroline, Mittal, Anuj]. Agricultural Systems.

16. A Multi-Objective Model for Sustainable Perishable Food Distribution Considering the Impact of Temperature on Vehicle Emissions and Product Shelf Life
[Gharehyakheh, Amin, Krejci, Caroline C, Cantu, Jaime, Rogers, Jamie]. Sustainability. 12(16),

15. Urban Modelling Framework for Climate Resilience in Low-Resource Neighbourhoods
[Passe, Ulrike, Dorneich, MichaelC, Krejci, Caroline C, Koupaei, DibaMalekpour, Marmur, Breanna, Shenk, Linda, Stonewall, Jacklin, Thompson, Janette, Zhou, Yuyu]. Buildings and Cities. 1(1), 453-474.

14. A Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for the Public Distribution System of Food Grains in Indian Punjab
[Grover, AbhayK, Chopra, Shweta, Krejci, Caroline]. Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. 27(3-4), 236-251. “Wiley”. DOI:

13. An agent-based approach to modeling zero energy communities
[Mittal, Anuj, Krejci, Caroline, Dorneich, MichaelC]. Solar Energy. 191, 193-204.

12. An agent-based approach to designing residential renewable energy systems
[Mittal, Anuj, Krejci, Caroline, Dorneich, MichaelC]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. DOI:

11. Analyzing Residential Weatherization Decisions using Hybrid Simulation Modeling
[Huang, Wanyu, Krejci, Caroline, Passe, Ulrike, Dorneich, MichaelC, Shenk, Linda, Stonewall, Jacklin]. Building Simulation. 12(3), 517-534. DOI:

10. Agents of Change – Using Agent-Based Models to Inspire Social Capital Building for Resilient Communities
[Shenk, Linda, Krejci, Caroline, Passe, Ulrike]. Community Development Journal. 50(2), 256-272. DOI:

9. Logistics Best Practices for Regional Food Systems: A Review
[Mittal, Anuj, Krejci, Caroline, Craven, Teri]. Sustainability. 10(1), 168. “MDPI AG”.

8. A hybrid simulation modeling framework for regional food hubs
[Mittal, Anuj, Krejci, Caroline]. Journal of Simulation. 13(1), 28-43. “Informa UK Limited”.

7. Analysis of Food Hub Commerce and Participation Using Agent-Based Modeling: Integrating Financial and Social Drivers
[Krejci, Caroline, Stone, RichardT., Dorneich, MichaelC., Gilbert, StephenB.]. Human Factors : the Journal of the Human Factors Society. 58(1), 58-79. DOI:

6. Assessing Values-based Sourcing Strategies in Regional Food Supply Networks: An Agent-based Approach
[Krejci, Caroline, Dorneich, MichaelC., Stone, RichardT.]. Journal on Policy & Complex Systems. 2(2), “Policy Studies Organization”. DOI:

5. Hybrid simulation modeling for humanitarian relief chain coordination
[Krejci, Caroline]. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics & Supply Chain Management. 5(3), 325-347.

4. Impacts of Farmer Coordination Decisions on Food Supply Chain Structure
[Krejci, Caroline, Beamon, Benita]. Journal of Artificial Societies & Social Simulation. 18(2),

3. Modeling Food Supply Chain Sustainability Using Multi-Agent Simulation
[Krejci, Caroline, Beamon, BenitaM.]. 8(3), 143-157. “Common Ground Research Networks”.

2. Coordination in humanitarian relief chains: Practices, challenges and opportunities
[Balcik, Burcu, Beamon, BenitaM., Krejci, Caroline, Muramatsu, KyleM., Ramirez, Magaly]. International Journal of Production Economics. 126(1), 22-34.

1. Environmentally-conscious supply chain design in support of food security
[Krejci, Caroline, Beamon, BenitaM]. Operations and Supply Chain Management. 3(1), 14–29.

Conference Papers

28. Understanding the Impact of Farmer Autonomy on Transportation Collaboration using Agent-based Modeling
Proceedings of the 2018 Computational Social Sciences Annual Conference [Collins, AndrewJ, Krejci, Caroline].

27. An agent-based model of digitally-mediated farmer transportation collaboration 
In Proceedings of the 2020 Computational Social Science Annual Conference. [Sadeghiamirshahidi, N.; Mittal, A.; Krejci, C. C.]

26. An Agent-based Model of Surplus Food Rescue Using Crowd-Shipping
[Mittal, Anuj, Oran Gibson, Nilufer, Krejci, CarolineC]. “Winter Simulation Conference”.

25. Panel – Towards Conceptual Modelling for Hybrid Simulation: Setting the Scene
Proceedings of the 2019 Winter Simulation Conference [Tako, AntuelaA, Eldabi, Tillal, Fishwick, Paul, Krejci, CarolineC]. ????.

24. Dynamic Shelf-Life Prediction System to Improve Sustainability in Food Banks
Proceedings of the 2019 Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference.
[Gharehyakheh, Amin, Cantu, Jaime, Krejci, Caroline, Rogers, KJ]. Proceedings of the 2019 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Annual Conference.

23. Multi-criteria decision analysis for regional food logistics systems
Proceedings of the 2019 Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference.
[Sadeghiamirshahidi, Narjes, Krejci, Caroline, Cantu, Jaime]. Proceedings of the 2019 Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Annual Conference.

22. Assessing the Potential of Crowd-shipping for Food Rescue Logistics Using Agent-based Modeling 
Proceedings of the 2019 Computational Social Sciences Annual Conference. [Mittal, Anuj, Oran Gibson, Nilufer, Krejci, CarolineC]. Accepted.

21. Environmentally Sustainable Delivery System in a Temperature Controlled Supply Chain
Proceedings of the 2018 Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference
[Gharehyakheh, Amin, Cantu, Jaime, Krejci, Caroline, Rogers, KJ]. 

20. Modeling Uncertainty in Rooftop PV Investment Returns
Proceedings of the 2018 Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference
[Mittal, Anuj, MacKenzie, CameronA, Krejci, Caroline].

19. Energy Use and Weatherization Practices: Applications for Agent-Based Modeling to Support Vulnerable Populations
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 2018 International Annual Meeting
[Stonewall, Jacklin, Huang, Wanyu, Dorneich, MichaelC, Krejci, Caroline, Shenk, Linda, Passe, Ulrike].

18. A hybrid simulation model of helping behavior
2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) [Green, JosiahJ., Krejci, Caroline, Cantor, DavidE.]. “IEEE”.

17. Integrating consumer preferences in renewable energy expansion planning using agent-based modeling
2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) [Mittal, Anuj, Krejci, Caroline]. “IEEE”.

16. Consumer Adoption Modeling of Distributed Solar Using an Agent-based Approach
Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas
[Mittal, Anuj, Huang, Wanyu, Krejci, Caroline].

15. Weatherization Adoption in A Multilayer Social Network: An Agent-based Approach
Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference of The Computational Social Science Society of the Americas
[Huang, Wanyu, Krejci, Caroline, Dorneich, MichaelC, Passe, Ulrike].

14. A hybrid simulation model for urban weatherization programs
2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) [Krejci, Caroline, Passe, Ulrike, Dorneich, MichaelC., Peters, Nathan]. “IEEE”.

13. Using hybrid simulation modeling to assess the dynamics of compassion fatigue in veterinarian general practitioners
2016 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) [Tekippe, AndrewJ., Krejci, Caroline]. “IEEE”.

Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings
[Krejci, Caroline, Dorneich, MichaelC., Passe, Ulrike, Peters, Nathan]. 1630-1641.Craven, T.J. & Krejci, C.C. (2016),

11. “Assessing Management Strategies for Intermediated Regional Food Supply Networks”, Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the American Society for Engineering Management, Charlotte, NC, October 26-29.

10. Craven, T.J. & Krejci, C.C. (2016), “Effective Coordination in Regional Food Supply Chains”, Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference, Anaheim, CA, May 21-24.

9. Mittal, A., Zugg, M., & Krejci, C.C. (2016), “Improving Regional Food Hub Operational Efficiency with Lean Practices”, Proceedings of the 2016 Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference, Anaheim, CA, May 21-24.

Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings [Tekippe, AndrewJ., Krejci, Caroline]. 1352-1363.

7. A hybrid simulation model of inbound logistics operations in regional food supply systems
2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) [Mittal, Anuj, Krejci, Caroline]. “IEEE”.

Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings [Mittal, Anuj, Krejci, Caroline]. 1549-1560.

5. Incorporation of Future Building Operating Conditions into the Modeling of Building-Microclimate Interaction: A Feasibility Approach
[Kalvelage, Kelly, Passe, Ulrike, Krejci, Caroline, Dorneich, MichaelC.]. 150-158.

4. Bora, H.D. & Krejci, C.C. (2015), “An Agent-Based Model of Supplier Management in Regional Food Systems (Work in Progress)”, Proceedings of the SCS Summer Simulation Multi-Conference, Chicago, IL, July 26-29.

3. Bora, H.D. & Krejci, C.C. (2015), “Multi-Agent Simulation Modeling of Supplier Selection for Local Food Systems”, Proceedings of the 2015 Industrial & Systems Engineering Research Conference, Nashville, TN, May 30-June 2.

2. Modeling food supply chains using multi-agent simulation
Proceedings Title: Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) [Krejci, Caroline, Beamon, BenitaM.]. “IEEE”.

Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings [Krejci, Caroline, Beamon, BenitaM.].


9. Gitumbi, P; Marusak, A.; Sadeghiamirshahidi, N.; Mittal, A.; Krejci, C. C.; Cantu, J. (2021). Designing a Virtual Logistics Community for Texas Farmers. At the Innovation Day, The University of Texas at Arlington. Apr 19. Arlington, TX. Video 

8. Marusak, A.; Sadeghiamirshahidi, N.; Mittal, A.; Krejci, C. C.; Cantu, J. (2020). Designing a Virtual Logistics Community for Texas Farmers. At the Innovation Day, The University of Texas at Arlington. Apr 22. Arlington, TX. Video 

7. Mittal, A.; Krejci, C.C.; Dorneich, M.C.; Fickes, D. (2018). An Agent-based Approach to Model Residential Renewable Energy Systems. At the Computational Social Science Annual Conference. Oct 25 – 28. Santa Fe, NM. 

6. Taylor, E. B.; Mittal, A.; Krejci, C. C.; MacKenzie, C. A. (2018). A Monte Carlo Simulation Model for Assessing Consumer’s Value on Installing Rooftop Solar Panels. At the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineering Annual Conference. May 19 – 22. Orlando, FL.

5. Taylor, E. B.; Mittal, A.; Krejci, C. C.; MacKenzie, C. A. (2018). Modeling Uncertainty in Rooftop PV Investment. At the Innovation Day, The University of Texas at Arlington. Apr 16. Arlington, TX. *Second runner up in the poster presentation competition

4. Mittal, A.; Grimm, J.; Krejci, C. C. (2018). Collaborative Food Supply Chains for Iowa’s Farmers. At the Our Farms, Our Future Conference. Apr 3 – 5. Saint Louis, MO.

3. Mittal, A.; Krejci, C. C. (2017). Integrating Consumer Adoption Modeling in Renewable Energy Expansion Planning. At the Winter Simulation Conference. Dec 3 – 6. Las Vegas, NV.

2. Mittal, A.; Krejci, C. C. (2017). Integrating Consumer Preferences in Renewable Energy Expansion Planning using Agent-based Modeling. At the Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Iowa State University. Apr 20. Ames, IA.

1. White, V. M.; Mittal, A.; Krejci, C. C. (2017). A Framework for Collaboration among Regional Food System Participants. At the Industrial Advisory Board Meeting, Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Iowa State University. Apr 20. Ames, IA.